The Personification of Love
It felt right closing my eyes.
At first, there was darkness. I could sense the light from the outside, but inside my eyes was darkness.
Then came the blurry image. My eyes trying to focus on it.
It doesn't take much to guess what the image was. It has always been the same.
Always love.
I've personified love into a breathing human.
No, it wasn't cupid nor death. No matter how alike they look.
It was an ordinary man to anyone's standards, but to me, he is perfection. He is extaordinary. He is beautiful.
I saw him smile with his eyes first then all the way down to his lips.
Every part of him called out to me.
And I knew I want to get to where he is, but as always, I just end up running after an immovable person. A never ending chase that was getting me nowhere. I couldn't reach Love. Why?