To Be Alive

You can watch my chest heave as I breathe You can see me react to the burning of flames as I can feel You can observe me eat chocolate as I can taste But the fact remains, Air doesn't fill my lungs Every texture is rough And all flavors become stale.
You can observe my eyes watch people pass by as I can see You can eye how I jerk when a horn explodes as I can hear You can follow upon how I know how you feel as I can sense But the fact remains, My universe is black and white Sounds are distant, loud and small at the same time And what I sense is confusion and lost in this mess of a place.
But when you're around, The air lifts me up, Fills me with happiness and light The world is a kaleidoscope not only of colors but of sounds as well Tastes burst from my palate Everything is soft and warm This must what home is really about for This is the only time I am alive When I am with you.