Great Manifesto

The seek for the Great Manifesto.
Where did I get such term? And what the hell is the Great Manifesto?
It means 'the urge to be, to count for something, and, if death must come, to die valiantly, with acclamation - in short, to remain a memory.”
Now, I am at the stage wherein I have no fucking clue what I'm doing or what I'm supposed to do. I stopped my education due to some circumstances and going back does not really suit me anymore since I wasn't in love with my course. It held only pain and this wasted dream. I am getting off topic. I'm so sorry. Anyway, all my life, I have strove to become something great. I wanted more in life. I certainly understand what Belle in Beauty and the Beast meant when she sings, "There must be something more than this provincial life." Because that is what I think, there must be more than this life I have. When people ask me what my fear is, I usually answer I fear not being able to be remembered. There is more to it than that. I fear that with how I am living my life, what I do doesn't mean a thing. I am stuck on this urge to do something that actually counts. This is how the Great Manifesto comes in. When I read All The Bright Places, everything just made sense. I did not know what I'm doing or what I'm supposed to do since I am seeking the Great Manifesto. Something that is hard to acquire, and if one was to acquire that, it is never the same as the next person that gets it. I was always big in plans. I loved planning so much that when all my plans and goals went away, I couldn't make anymore. I'm just stuck waiting for the Great Manifesto that I know isn't coming anymore since I ran out of juice. I want to ask why is it so difficult to obtain, but I already know the answer. And I think you do too.