Questions of Afterlife
“Have you found joy in your life?” “Has your life brought joy to others?” It is said that Ancient Egyptians believed that when you die,...

Great Manifesto
The seek for the Great Manifesto. Where did I get such term? And what the hell is the Great Manifesto? It means 'the urge to be, to count...

Meant To Be
I hate the phrase, "if it's meant to be, then it's meant to be." Like no. What if you believe that it truly is meant to be so you keep on...

I am not the kind of person who just wakes up and suddenly decide to go out for a walk and go nowhere and everywhere. No, I'm not that...

I am definitely nearing the stage of hikikomori. What is hikikomori? Hikikomori is a Japanese term that refers to reclusive adults who...

What Happens Now?
I stopped needing to study. Mention my name to anyone who was my classmate, not to be cocky, but they would probably say I did above...

Used To Have 'Friends'
I recently watched this show wherein the female protagonist tries to make herself look unapproachable and unlikable by men. She tries so...

Do People Deserve People
Right now, I imagine myself writing this article in a non-highly marketed coffee shop in a fast-paced city. I sit with my back against...

Notice My Hand
Here, hold my right hand for a moment. Don't tighten your grip. Nor linger for too long. Just hold my hand and feel the warmth. ...