Used To Have 'Friends'
I recently watched this show wherein the female protagonist tries to make herself look unapproachable and unlikable by men. She tries so...

I wanted to burn. Recently, I discovered that I love the numbness that I feel when I drink alcohol. Not the physical numbness. Pinching...

The Personification of Love
It felt right closing my eyes. At first, there was darkness. I could sense the light from the outside, but inside my eyes was darkness....

Bravery or Stupidity
I was always the kind of friend that pretends I was brave. Like how in the group watching something scary, I was the one who didn't find...

But I'm Not
I smile at people's idea of me Not because of its accuracy, cause it's far from accurate But rather, I smile because I wish I am what you...

Do People Deserve People
Right now, I imagine myself writing this article in a non-highly marketed coffee shop in a fast-paced city. I sit with my back against...

Notice My Hand
Here, hold my right hand for a moment. Don't tighten your grip. Nor linger for too long. Just hold my hand and feel the warmth. ...

Hot Chocolate


One Final Time